EDDC submits objection to Straitgate Quarry application

I was pleased to participate in a delegated East Devon District Council planning meeting yesterday. The meeting was held in order to agree the response from East Devon District Council to Devon County County on the Straitgate Quarry planning application. On quarrying matters Devon County Council is the relevant planning authority, and EDDC are a formal consultee.

EDDC agreed to submit an objection to Devon County Council – due to the increased cattle crossings which will be generated – with cattle having to cross the fast moving and dangerous B3174 multiple times each day. The need for these additional crossings will be triggered by the loss of grazing to the north of the B3174 arising from the quarrying proposals. EDDC question the claim by Aggregate Industries in their recent transport statement that there will no such increase in crossings – EDDC considers this to be an “unrealistic assumption”. EDDC emphasise that the permission that they recently granted for an alternative access/crossing was strictly on the basis that there was no increase in the current volume of crossings which are very limited.

EDDC believe that the increase in crossings will have a significant adverse impact on the flow of traffic to and from Ottery St Mary and that this will be detrimental to businesses, schools and people in Ottery St Mary as well as the emergency services. Also flagged was the issue of road safety. The applicant has, in the view of EDDC, not put forward a “convincing and appropriate” solution to address the concerns.

I strongly support the position taken by EDDC in recognizing the detrimental impact that these crossings will have. Although the focus of EDDC was primarily on the recently updated transport statement, there are also many other issues of concern aside from those arising from the cattle crossing, including ecological, flood risk and impact on water supplies which I have outlined in my previous objection https://jessicabailey.home.blog/…/objection-to-100…/

EDDC’s letter of objection to Devon County Council can be found here https://planning.eastdevon.gov.uk/…/17_1842_CM-EDDC…

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