Wildlife haven under threat

🚨🚨 Wildlife haven under threat from housing development.

A site which is rich in wildlife including dormice, slow worms and bats is the latest site in West Hill to be the subject of a speculative planning application.

The proposal for five houses would also see the felling of two majestic roadside oaks as well as potentially harming many more mature trees.

I requested that all the trees be protected with a Tree Preservation Order and a provisional TPO on the entire site has as a result been imposed. Please support the TPO being made permanent by emailing trees@eastdevon.gov.uk before 25th January.

There are many grounds for refusing this planning application which would devastate this particularly tranquil part of Lower Broad Oak Road. My objection can be found here: https://planning.eastdevon.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=consulteeComments&keyVal=S55JU9GHFKZ00

Objections to the planning application can be lodged via Eddc’s planning portal under ref 23/2612 or sent to planningcentral@eastdevon.gov.uk before 2nd February. Please quote the planning ref number.

📸 Thank you to Rosemary S for the photo.